Postal 2
Released April 2003
Developer: Running With Scissors
Publisher: Whiptail InteractiveOther ItemsClipboard - you'll need to get eight signatures on the petition on your clipboard. Don't be shy, some people simply come off as not being interested. Stand your ground!Zipper - yup, you urinate in this game, for reasons I'm not going to go into. You also have pee-ammo; if you're at zero, wait a bit, and the golden showers will begin anew!Mail for P. Dude - you go to pick this up on an errand, however, you'll be greeted with a surprise.

Health ItemsYou will take a ton of damage in this game, pacifist or not. As a result, you will need health items to get you back in the black:Doughnuts - like health vials in UT2003, but even less effective. Offer a few to the police and see what happens. Cops LOVE doughnuts!Pizza - 5 health points per slice, yet oh so tasty!Fast Food - much better than pizza or doughnuts. Funny, nobody seems to worry about clogging arteries with this stuff.

First Aid Kits - the best natural way of fixing yourself up in the game. You'll find these kits scattered all over Paradise. Good thing; you'll need 'em.Health Pipes - ingredients unknown, and only sold/found in the city, these little beauties will not only restore your health, but give you up to 25% more than normal. One small problem, though. They're addictive, and if you don't smoke up on a regular basis, you're going to have a little problem.