Postal 2
Released April 2003
Developer: Running With Scissors
Publisher: Whiptail InteractiveStorylineYou are the Postal Dude. You live in a broken down trailer in a totally screwed up town named Paradise, and you are married to a whining, nagging sad example of a wife. Sound invigorating? Wait, it gets worse. Each day, Monday through Friday, you have to complete several tasks or errands. Unfortunately, it seems these tasks come with several ramifications, none of which are very pleasant. During the course of your travels, you will inevitably run afoul of certain elements within the town, including the police. Your goal is to complete all of the tasks on all of the days, and survive the walk home. Trust me, it's no cakewalk...

You can choose to play as a pacifist, taking it easy on your fellow citizens, or you can mow down anyone who looks at you funny. Really, it's up to you how violent your Postal 2 world is. Well, it's MOSTLY up to you. There are portions of the game where the non-player characters (NPCs) make it impossible for you to remain a pacifist. That is, if you want to live to tell the story later...

Now, stick with me. I'm going to spend a few pages introducing you to some of the things in the game, before taking you through some of the gameplay, graphics, sounds, music and ultimately to my take on Postal 2.