MalHavoc Playing UT BU: To date, there has been exactly one 'war' between Canada and the US, and you kicked our asses. Care to try again? MalHavoc: I beg to differ. The second war happened a few months ago when we beat your asses on the rink. See you in four years! :)BU: Damn you and your memory! Now, name some of the games that have entertained you over the past couple of years, and tell us why you liked them?MalHavoc: Well, the ground breaking game that got me into gaming, at least on a PC (I had been gaming on a Commodore 64/Vic-20 for years prior), was Wolfenstein 3D. Later, with Doom, I remember playing deathmatch against buddies who lived in residence with me in college. We'd dial into each other's phone and waste many hours listening to the Doom background music while we gleefully skipped class in order to play another map (stay in school, kids). Anyone who played Doom knows what a rush that music track for the very first map in Knee Deep in the Dead is.After that, there was Quake. I mean, holy shit. Quake changed my life, at least as far as gaming went. Doing CTF Quake-style meant fast and furious back and forth action, with everyone gunning for the uber-equalizer, the rocket launcher. Quake 2 was probably the biggest game of my life, as far as online gaming was concerned. I did the clan thing for a while, and then got into Q3A. I don't get to game as much as I used to (isn't that always the way?), but the coolest game of the last few years was Deus Ex. I can't wait until Deus Ex 2 comes out. I'm getting conspiratorial just thinking about it. I'm playing through Jedi Knight II right now, and it's very well done. That's high praise from me, because I'm a massive Star Wars fan/geek and I take my Star Wars stuff pretty seriously.MalHavoc Playing UT BU: If you had one wish that could be fulfilled, what would it be?MalHavoc: World Peace. There's just too much crap going on this planet.BU: Thanks, Mal, for answering questions and being an all-around upright guy!MalHavoc: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to work with BeyondUnreal. It's been most excellent so far.