UnrealEdForums FragBULiandri Archives

Viewing Post from Tuesday Jul 29, 2008

Mass Effect Patch, Bonus Content Available

Patch 1.01 for Mass Effect is

now available

, as is the

free expansion

(PC) Bring Down the Sky (thanks


). Details on the patch are as follows:

  • added some infrastructure support for additional downloadable content
  • updated the image of the Batarian race in the codex
  • fixed an issue where the center channel for hardware audio wouldn't play correctly sometimes
  • fixed an issue where the hardware mouse pointer would disappear when first selected
  • fixed an issue where Shepard did not auto-crouch when entering cover in some places
  • fixed a tool-tip indicating a game restart is needed before enabling hardware or software audio if the option was changed
  • fixed an issue where ambient conversation would not be heard from rear speakers sometimes
  • fixed a text string to make it clearer on how to exit a vehicle
  • fixed a text string so the tool top for dragging the map is clearer in French languages builds
  • fixed a crash running on certain multi-core AMD systems
  • fixed an issue where video RAM was not being reported properly on certain cards