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Viewing Post from Sunday Nov 24, 2002

Team Phalanx Update

There are a number of things happening at

Team Phalanx

, as usual. Hourences has a couple of screenshots of his brilliant-looking UT2003 Deathball map that takes place in the hold of a giant cargo ship (one pictured to the right). Take a look at some of his modeling work while you're there.

In related news,


did an interview with Hourences on a variety of topics: Gaming, Jailbreak Mod work, and just life in general.

Tom: How did you join the mod team? What made you choose this mod?

Hourences: I choose for Jailbreak 'cause the concept is very good, alot of potential possible, and since I'm a CTF player, Jailbreak is a very welcome change, it still plays alot like CTF, but yet is so different. I joined by converting my CTF map Raid, to Jailbreak.