UnrealEdForums FragBULiandri Archives

Viewing Post from Sunday Jun 29, 2008

Mr. Pants' Excessive Overkill for UT3

Once, twice, three times a lady... or a UT Mod. The popular Excessive Overkill has made its way to UT3. Let's see you dodge those rockets now, heh heh...

Excessive is an over-the-top mod that makes all the weapons super-powerful, turns off self-damage, gives all the players regenerating health and ammo, and makes every game into a wild and crazy frag-fest! In the fast and furious bloodfest that is Excessive, it's not about staying alive; it's about taking as many people as possible out with you.

You can download the mod from

the official site

; the mod will require UT3 patched to Version 1.2.