larrystorch: Why won't you put MalHavoc's sh**ty Tactical Ops map in your mod? He's always whining about it ;) (TO-Abandoned)

Christopher Norton: Which one was that again? :D

Dr. Crowbar: Probably cause I never heard of him. Maybe there's a reason for that.

daz: LOL

Arnold Kruize: He will have to lend me his sister first!

Kai Kirchner: eeeh.. flux's responsible, bother him.

job: it lacks wang.

Tim Crowley: Sure I will...for the right price :D

Antti Päätalo: He may continue the whining!=)

Rich Black: Because my dog maps better. Harsh but fair...

Toby Rees: MalHavoc has not yet sent me his bribe.

Nassau: I will, I will... just hold on.

ScHlAuChi: Once again i ask Babelfish: Warum nicht setzen Sie shitty taktische Ops Karte MalHavoc's in Ihr MOD ein? Er whining immer über es;) Vielleicht weil sie scheisse ist ? ;)

Shag: because it's sh**ty? ;)

Jack Gilson: Because there sh**ty

Strac: Because then we would have to put in other sh**ty maps (like my own infamous TO-Bunker) too. And we wouldn't want to have a mod with loads of sh**ty maps ;)

larrystorch: Besides the improvements you made, what other improvements would you like to see made to the Unreal Engine?

Christopher Norton: I'd comment on this, but I bet that the newest versions that are running Unreal 2 & UT2 already have my suggested improvements included. I can't wait to try them out. (E3 ahoy!)

CoCoPRo: Remove the conefire :p

Dr. Crowbar: How about eliminating the ridiculous bias towards a defunct graphics API? (3DFx Glide). Right now D3D just kills the lighting.

EMH_Mark3: A better BSP compiler for UnrealED! So many wasted nights trying to fix BSP holes in my maps.

Goldabar: Hmm, well I haven't seen all of the new tech yet but what I'd really like to see added, apart from what I've already seen, is machine gun touting flying monkeys of darkness (tm)

Tim Crowley: 100+ online player support :D

Rich Black: Nicer lighting. Very lame in comparison to Goldabar's 'Flying Machine Gun Touting Monkeys of Death' but hey... I'm a realist.

Nassau: Irregularity, trees, bushes, more nature, round objects, beziers or something, vehicles. I want polycounts to be 1.000.000 instead of the measily 200.

Poneill: More speed, higher polycounts, even more realism. But most of all, I can't wait until it can handle ambient smells.

rojazz: I always wanted to see plug and play player models. A few years ago this was being promised, and it was never done. I really though being able to switch models in and out without too much of a hassle, and still being able to use them online, would be cool. But it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Shag: My main problem with UT was the model support (unreal tournament, haven't played with the new tech yet). I wish we could animate some parts separatetly (the torso and the legs for example).For TOAoT we had to animate and code the grenade throwing animation (and knife slashing) for every possible movement, it was a nightmarre! (duck still, duck walking, walking, standing still, running, backrun, strafe left, .......) I wish EPIC would have a full documentation aswell, there are quite a lot of "voodoo tricks" that i had to figure on my own.