
Title: CTF-CBP-Decadence
Author: CTF-Decadence by Paul "Acidpablo" M'Biaka
Game:Capture the Flag
Volume: 1

The remains of this old sanctuary are ready to welcome you. The question is: will you take the risk to enter them?

Decadence Decadence Decadence

hal: I like this map. The sanctuaries look sharp and there are loads of interesting lift jumps and perches, giving defenders and flag carriers lots of options. Though the map is somewhat small, the layout disguises it perfectly. Heck, how can you not like a map with a pair of pipe organs?

My only gripe would be the somewhat small scaling. By that, I mean that some of the hallways seem very tight and the ceiling feels very low. Other than that, the custom static mesh statues and pillars really give this map a look that doesn't feel like you've seen a hundred times before.

Speaking of lift jumps, if you're missing the enemy flag carrier, there are some nice hiding spots along the front of each building.

Zenny: The map does a superior job at forcing the player to use different styles. In between the bases, long distance fragging is required while the corridors of the bases require the player to frag in close combat situations.

Raffi_B: This one is a beauty. While not aimed at league-play, it definitely can provide some casual fragging fun. The theme is well-done, and the layout is full of variation and Z-Axis gameplay, creating a very exciting and fast-paced feel for the map. I think that if the map were a little bit larger, it would be much more oriented toward teamwork and strategy. As it stands, you can either snipe, or go for the flag. There is really no room for roamers or solid defenders.