larrystorch:What's the stupidest idea anyone's given you, seriously hoping it would be implemented into TO? Can you tell us who proposed it?
Christopher Norton: Too many to comment on... (okay fine, that's because everybody sends their suggestion emails to Shag and not me... hehe).
CoCoPRo: Putting vehicles in.
Deyan Ninov: Can't remember, but I do know that friend a gave me one ;)
Dr. Crowbar: Some guy once said we should make an entire level that could get blown apart by grenades. It sounds good in theory, but if you think about it some more you realise some things.
duck: A quote from VeraCoCha in the forums: "Would it be possible to make a a huge albatross available to Terrorists, it would fire lasers and would cost $15k. SWAT could buy a eagle and they could duel in Power Rangers style"
EMH_Mark3: A grappling hook.. I mean wtf!
eXpendabLe: Well, this may not qualify, but Medivith and I placed a Super Bowl bet, loser has his pic and the words llama on a texture in an offical map. Well, I lost because I had faith in my RAMS.. but it hasent been implemented.. yet.
Janis Bode: I won't tell you who proposed it but once someone proposed to make a football stadium with a fight on the field - great, you can just as well fight in a hollow box as you won't have any cover either.
Kai Kirchner: Cant tell. I didnt like most of the changes that were made from 1.2 anyway, I'm a natural born whiner :P so I make a lotta stupid suggestions myself.
Goldabar: There was the time when Killjoy wanted us to implement a gametype, kind've like an opposite version of Hostage Rescue. How it works is that one team represents Rich, the other represents Desperado, and the 2 teams are put into a map thats kind've like a maze. The 2 teams need to find each other and when they do, the "lovechild" is created, ending the round. Killjoy wanted to call this "Killjoy's Happy Happy game of Forbidden Love" and I agreed that it should be included but other people from the team said it was a stupid idea. I have no idea why :|
j3rky: Prostitutes and drug dealers as sidewalk decoration in maps
Jestah: Getting a rocket launcher implemented.
job: Cheat protection .. wtf?
Tim Crowley: There have been too many to count. Oh yeah, an all RapidWaters server *kjs rolls eyes*
Rich Black: KillJoy's 'Love Child' gametype (as aptly described by Goldabar) was pretty sweet.
Timo Kuttenkeuler: Healthpack's ... its even more stupid than AKIMBO crap .. and there are multiple nerds who think it a good idea O_o
Toby Rees: Maps being converted from other games.
Jason Hipps: VeraCoCha sugested a "Tactical-Elephant Skin" I'm not sure if he was serious or not, but I'd like to think he was. Then he beat me at chess, and life was good.
Poneill: I haven't personally received any stupid ideas. Tho sometimes on the Tactical Ops mapping forum you get some morons posting some absolute feather-brained ideas. The worst had to be some guy wanting someone the make a map set in his highschool in the US. Afaik he had the plans and photos and everything.
rojazz: Akimbo weapons. I SAID NO!
ScHlAuChi: A nuke that wipes out the whole map and leaves a big hole, that was my idea, but no one wanted to port TO over to the GeoMod engine :P
Shag: Someone asked me to integrate an aimbot in the game.. can't even remember his name!
Jack Gilson: God I have been given loads of stupid ideas I think the worst was some of the names I was given for renaming SWAT, the worst was Gun Games
Strac: Remove the basement from Trainstation. I mean, HELLOOOOOO!