Postal 2
Released April 2003
Developer: Running With Scissors
Publisher: Whiptail InteractiveInventory ItemsPostal 2 has a lot going on, and you'll be dealing with a large number of items throughout the game, both inventory and specific things you'll need to pick up during the game:Money - the root of all evil. It's relatively hard to come by, but necessary for the completion of some errands. Well, you could always just SHOOT your way through the missions, but you'll have to go find items on your own then.Map - you always have this, and you'll refer to it often. The town, Paradise, was laid out by someone on an acid trip....Newspaper - I found the newspaper, while worth a quick chuckle, to be pretty unnecessary. You get a new one each day in the morning by your trailer.

Cats - no, you can't microwave them, but you can use them as silencers for your firearms! Yes, you end up violating the poor little felines, but hey, it's all in the name of stealth. BTW, they're only good for a few shots, so sneak up on many of them. I also found it fun to put 30-40 of them in a bathtub, pour gasoline on them and toss in a lit match. Frame rates be damned!Cat Nip - lures cats, fairly unnecessary item in that regard. Has other uses, per the game booklet, but I didn't explore that avenue yet.Doggie Treats - if you toss a treat at a moderately irritated or, better yet, a docile dog, he'll eat it and follow you to the ends of the earth (well, at least until the next level transition). Extremely angry dogs will eat the treat, then attempt to eat you. An aside: toss a cat near a dog and enjoy the fun...Kevlar Vests - standard armor, you'll be glad you found it.

SiC Body Armor - Silicon-Carbide ceramic body armor, double the strength of Kevlar. Most welcome in many situations in Paradise.BassSniffer Fish Finder - detects life forms surrounding you, and gives you an indication of their intent toward you.Pirhana BassSniffer Plug-in - additional capabilities for your Fish FinderLargemouth Bass BassSniffer Plug-in - even more capabilities for your Fish Finder