BU: What are some of your non-computer time-sucks?Zaccix: When away from the comp I do BMX racing, play drums and goof around with friends. Oh and I work as well when I have a current job, the proceeds from which go towards financing, among other things, my unhealthy obsession with all things Transformers as well as my drumming.BU: When and how did you get involved in the wonderful world of the Unreal engine, and tell us how you got involved with the old PU, now BU, gang.Zaccix: I remember seeing a pullout for UT in PC Gamer back in early 1999, but not really paying much attention to it. Then later that year I downloaded the UT demo and became addicted. (Oh Coret, how I loved thee!) I then started to post at PU just after the redesign, because I didn't really know of many other Unreal sites, and just hung around the forums there. Then in late 2000, the PU staff asked me if I wanted to come on board as a newsie and, after pinching myself with a nearby pair of pliers, I said yes. Well, actually at first I typed "no" but that was my evil conscience typing who was subsequently run through a cheese grater.BU: We know you're also wild about the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series (that's better than Sparky, that CounterStriker....). Tell us what you like about that game, and a little about your 'other' site, Rippage.Zaccix: The THPS series features something I like the most in any game: freedom. I can sit down, boot THPS3 and just Free Skate for an hour, not accomplishing anything but it makes me satisfied by the end. The same can be said for games like GTA3 and also UT, in which I can play a CTF botmatch for 30 minutes and walk away. As for Rippage, unfortunately I had to shut it down the other day. Gearbox Software gave up on the PC version of THPS3 a couple of weeks after it was released, without acknowledging that the multiplayer still needed some work, and more than a few bugs were still present. As the site focused on the multiplayer side of the game, that made things a little difficult. Still, it was fun to run the site while it lasted.