
Frag.Ops Screenshot

Well, it's been over 2 years since the first release of Frag.Ops, and it feels like an eternity ago when we reflect on how far we've come since then. There were a lot of high points, and plenty of low points as well. We had to fight against huge adversity in the Unreal modding community, we dealt with sabotage, abandonment, technical issues, missed release dates, and countless other problems. But who are we to argue with the way things turned out? On the very first day of release, the mod was downloaded over 20,000 times in the first 12 hours. Afterwards it would remain the highest-played mod in UT2003 history, and continue on to UT2004 as the second-highest. We placed in every phase of the Make Something Unreal contest we entered. There are almost 4000 people registered on our forums right now, and still a hardcore community playing to this day, a year after the final release. Honestly, we couldn't have asked for anything more, and in December 2004 that's what motivated us to start our own company and continue developing games. We at Pandora Studios are very grateful for everything that has happened since the very first time the Frag.Ops name was uttered, way back in early 2003, and we fully intend to use our experience to make our future games the best they can be.

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