A few of the BeyondUnreal staff take a look at Epic Games' second bonus pack for Unreal Tournament 3. We have the old guy - that's me, the vehicle nut - Dark Pulse, the sometimes clanner - Sir Brizz, and casual gamer extraordinaire - hyrulian.
While the both the Titan Pack and the massive 2.0 patch for Unreal Tournament 3 are free for you and me, it's easy to forget that there's a pretty substantial development cost involved in putting them together. So what kind of return does Epic hope to see on its investment? Do they want to stimulate sales by appealing to new players? Rekindle the interest of existing UT3 owners and extend their thanks to the existing community? Certainly the sale and free-weekend they ran on the back of the release indicates that Titan is an effort to spark a surge in sales… a real page out of Valve’s playbook.
Well, the correct answer is... we don't really know. For the sake of discussion, however, let us say that probably all of those reasons are contributing factors behind the release of the bonus content. And the reason why that matters is that it’s important to understand the purpose of the pack to determine whether or not it hits the mark.
The complaints we heard the most often just after the release of the Unreal Tournament 3 demo all centered on the menu and the interface. We even spent a good deal of time mulling over it on our review of the retail game. Everything about it came under fire, including the scattered and inconsistent placement of buttons, the odd way the selection bar scrolled around under your cursor, the lack of options, and even the color. It sounds crazy to spend so much time and effort complaining about seemingly peripheral issues, but if you're required to endure a series of annoyances to get to the good stuff then it does begin to eventually wear on you. And Epic Games must have agreed on some level as they addressed it head-on with patch 2.0. It's still not perfect and there are still glimpses of the old color scheme in the loading screens though it’s much more responsive and intuitive than it was before.
The patch also introduces innumerable bug fixes and general improvements. Offline gamers rejoice - the computer opponents now make better decisions all around. Online gamers will appreciate upgrades to the server browser, network code, and working voting and demo systems. Even server operators and mod-makers have plenty to smile about. It would be easy to look at any one of these areas and point towards the omission of some favorite feature, but there's plenty of red meat in Titan and most people will find at least a handful of things they really appreciate.
Epic Games has hopped fully onboard with Steam and now offers nearly 60 Achievements for accomplishments from routine to madcap. You can also add your UT3 cd-key to Steam and make use of its exhaustive community features, including following friends into a game, independent-of-game text chat, and even in-game internet browsing.
That sounds like a lot, but we really haven't even mentioned the game content! Titan is the biggest Tournament pack to-date, delivering sixteen levels, two gametypes, new turrets and deployables, a new vehicle, and two new player-characters.
It may seem strange to name an entire bonus pack after a mere mutator, but the Titan mutator yields eye-popping screenshots and plenty of memorable moments. And honestly, who wouldn't be attracted to the idea of wreaking havoc with a thirty foot tall behemoth? You can add Titan to just about any gametype and to say that it changes the gameplay a lot is probably an understatement. Filling up your Titan-transformation meter is tied not only to kills but also completing gameplay objectives and it helps promote team gameplay. Restricting a Titan's movement and ability to heal, grab powerups, or carry orbs and flags adds something of a role-play dimension to the game. It's true that it could stand a bit of tweaking as it's easy to rack up kills and earn Titan status in some of the more powerful vehicles. But on the whole, it broadens the appeal of the game in many gametypes... and it's definitely Unreal.
Greed has caught on rather quickly with the more hardcore players as it is an interesting mix of Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Bombing Run. It also happens to work pretty well with the Titan mutator if you wish to add a bit of chaos. Deciding whether to drop off your collection of skulls or grab a few more for a powerup and a big score adds an additional element of strategy. It's definitely a twist in the gametype lineup that was sorely needed.
Instagib is very popular because of its simplicity and focus purely on aim and movement, so adding a gametype that piggybacks on that idea seems like an easy win. Indeed Betrayal does add a layer of depth with its point-value system and it’s just a sheer joy to betray your team mate. The rules and scoring are a bit complex though and I've seen many players walk away from it confused. More documentation should have been available for this one from the start. Still, Betrayal should prove itself popular with those that like the skills associated with Instagib, but grow bored by its shallow gameplay.
The two new models are just as lusciously detailed as those that shipped with the game. It's puzzling though why they didn't make the Malcom model playable instead or bring back fan-favorite, Xan. There are lots of memorable characters in the Unreal and Tournament games and Epic would do well to throw the fans a few bones. Most popular series build on the brand by bringing back favorite characters. As such, this one counts more as a bullet-point to the Titan Pack Fact sheet than it does as an appeal to the new or existing player. However, I won't look a gift-horse in the mouth and am currently using the new Nova model when I play online.
There are plenty of new levels as well, if you’ve never played the Xbox 360 version. The five exclusive maps for that series have made their PS3/PC debut in the Titan Pack. Two of those are Necris versions of existing Warfare maps. Of those, VCTF-Rails and WAR-ColdHarbor stand out the most. Turrets on rails that run from base to base is a gimmick that holds up well and the layout yields plenty of on-foot and vehicle play areas. Once again, Epic comes up with a unique way of taking out the core, turning ColdHarbor into more of a vehicular Domination-style map. The Necri-fied Warfare maps look great but the gameplay doesn’t hold up as well, particularly in Suspense where not only must the Axis side deal with inferior vehicles but inexplicably has one fewer than found in the original. DM-KoosBarge is quite small, but at least the rocking of the boat and the crashing of the waves look great!
If the remaining levels have one thing in common, it has to be that they are, for the most part, quite memorable. Almost every level has a unique atmosphere and a hook. You might call them gimmicky, but many of them work. And DM-DarkMatch is the poster-child. Take a deathmatch map, turn off the lights and add some dynamic lighting and you’ve got a level that will get people talking. It’s certainly good for a laugh and it also hearkens back to the darkmatch gametype found in the original Unreal.
Sharing the gimmick spotlight would be DM-OceanRelic, perhaps one of the most breathtaking levels in the game. Not only is the setting fantastic, but there’s a laundry list of unique features such as the slow-field pickup, a health-refreshing pool, a Berserk powerup hidden in a damage-volume, a Redeemer in a flooded tube, and even the occasional tremor. It’s definitely the overachiever of the bunch in that department.
DM-Eden Inc is the place you’ll want to go to experience the hilarious X-Ray deployable. Pop that puppy in a high traffic area and you’ll see right through your opponents… literally! Aside from the fun-factor of shooting a boney version of your enemy, there’s really little use for the deployable as it only damages those foolish enough to enter its distinctive field.
Hardcore players and series veterans will enjoy the return of DM-Turbine, a remake of the classic Unreal Tournament level. Other than looking a little chillier than the last time we saw it, the level looks none the worse for wear and it holds up well with UT3’s gameplay.
Speaking of throwbacks, WAR-Hostile is well-worth checking out for any fan of Unreal. Thematically, it’s a return to Na Pali, complete with some amazing (and amazingly loud) ambient sounds, Nali crucifixes, and a brooding atmosphere that’s to die for. It’s also home to the unremarkable, but effective, Stinger turret. Keeping with Epic’s ideology of creating anything but symmetrical Warfare maps, the node layout is indeed rather odd. I haven’t quite figured it out myself, but it’s hard to resist the aura.
The Capture the Flag maps are a mixed bag, and oddly most of these maps don’t work that well with Greed (which allows you to choose from CTF and VCTF maps during setup). CTF-Morbid, intended for use with Titans, is useless without them and exploitable when they are present. LostCause is a beautiful, undulating level suitable only for very small numbers due to the fact that there are merely two ways in and out of the flag room. Nanoblack looks great, but works only with a large player load. Only Shaft stands out as a traditional mid-sized CTF level and it works well enough. Its uncluttered appearance and stripe of color on the walls are even reminiscent of Unreal Tournament.
The Stealthbender and Eradicator turret are both found in VCTF-Stranded, an asymmetrical level with an Asian theme. The new turret is little more than a SPMA with its read-end lopped off. The Stealthbender, however, is just as maddening as the Necris Nightshade with its persistent invisibility and deployables. Unique to the Stealthbender is the Link Station which, if dropped on the ground, spews forth link beams like a fountain, healing any nearby vehicles. It’s a great help to those wishing to camp in the Goliath tank which, unsurprisingly, is also present.
The levels, and indeed the contents of the entire pack, have been lovingly created and look gorgeous. All of them are memorable and most have gimmicks in them that you will either love or hate.
Perhaps best of all, the Titan Pack does a great job at throwing out a lot of interesting ideas to the new player. Coupled with the sale and free-weekend the game has already seen a big boost in player count online. It also offers a few bright spots to the hardcore crowd, and it even tosses a morsel or two to the Unreal and Unreal Tournament fans. It’s not the perfect pack for everyone but that’s probably not possible anyway. Still, Epic has done a nice job as most people will find something in it for them.
I’m not sure what kind of return on investment that Epic has seen, but hopefully it is substantial enough that we’ll see the Behemoth Pack sometime down the road. Growing the game is good when that also includes growing the number of people playing and we all win when that happens.