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Viewing Post from Wednesday Aug 20, 2008

American McGee Defends UE3

In response to

the charges

leveled at Epic Games by Silicon Knights in their lawsuit, American McGee

had this

to say to Gamasutra:

"Having used UE3 to build Grimm and spent considerable time in the past working with Id’s tools, I’ve followed this story with amazement," says McGee. "To expect a licensed engine, fresh out of the box, would require no modification or improvements to achieve development goals on a new title is ludicrous."

Continues McGee, "But to build an entirely new engine as an alternative to improving an existing one - sounds a bit unreasonable. And to build that new engine inside 1 year, then ship a title with it? Now things are starting to sound surreal."

Looking forward to seeing how things play out, McGee concludes, "My guess is that there’s more than a little UE3 still in Too Human."