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Viewing Post from Monday Jun 16, 2008

The Ball : Pehua Announced

The Ball : Pehua

is a brand new modification for Unreal Tournament 3. Lots of talent behind this one, including Hourences, DGUnreal, RenderMonkey, and SolidSnake. Best of all, we should see a first release next weekend!

The Ball : Pehua (Pehua : the beginning) is a singleplay FPS puzzle game involving the player and a big metal ball. The player must push the ball around, currently using a modified impact hammer, to get around puzzles and obstacles. The game takes place in an Aztec temple, inside a gigantic cavern in the top of an volcano.

It is basically Portal meets Tomb Raider in terms of feeling, atmosphere, action/puzzle ratio and all that.

The idea was to make a puzzle game with a darker edge to it. Most puzzle and ball games are usually quite cartoony and kiddy, we are trying to go for a slightly darker yet still rather colorful (Unreal!) style.